Core's exclusive research report The Sleep Habits of IT Professionals gives unique insight in what it's like to work in IT in the UK, in 2020.
We commissioned a survey of more than 250 IT professionals to find out how they felt working in IT impacted their life; what effect did it have on their sleep habits? Do they feel they have a good work/life balance? What aspects of the job do they find most stressful?
Just over two months later the results are in, and we've compiled them in our brand new report. The aim? To identify how we can help relieve stress and lessen the burden on individuals and whole IT teams through innovative technology.
In our Pillow Talk video series, we'll be chatting about the most significant report findings and addressing the issues that most IT professionals said caused them the most concern and stress, with the aim of helping them sleep better at night.
In episode one, our Client Solutions Director, Eamon McGann, is joined by Core's CEO, Conor Callanan, COO, Brian Packer, and Chief Commercial Officer, Rye Austin, to talk about some of the surprising survey statistics, the Core approach to managing stress in the workplace, and the role of cloud services in improving efficiency and reducing stress.
You can read the report they're talking about and see the surprising statistics for yourself by downloading your copy now. What do you think about the report findings? How do you think the work/life balance can be improved for people working in IT? We'd love to know your thoughts in the comments!