The Microsoft partner program began its journey in 2000. Since then, much like the technology Microsoft provides, the program has evolved with the times, developing partners, and extending capabilities across the world. In March 2022, the technology giant announced the evolution of its partner program, reflecting the way businesses operate today, and the needs of the modern workplace.
Pre-March 2022, Core enjoyed its Microsoft Gold Partner status with ten gold, and four silver competencies, which is a significant achievement. In recognition of Core’s skillset, and our experience delivering Microsoft solutions, we are pleased to announce that Core is now a Microsoft Advanced Partner, as part of Microsoft’s program evolution. In place of Core’s previous ten gold competencies, we have achieved two specialities: Modern Workplace SMB Advanced Solution Partner and Modern Workplace Enterprise Advanced Solution Partner.
This recognition is due to our operations team being up to date with Microsoft exams, the large volume of deployed customer cloud solutions and our status as a Microsoft FastTrack partner.
We are exceptionally proud of this achievement and recognition as a Microsoft Advanced Partner and are working hard to ensure we continue to lead the way in delivering Microsoft Cloud solutions and developing modern workplaces across the UK.
What do these changes mean for customers?
The changes to Microsoft’s partner program enable customers to select a Microsoft partner in line with the solutions and services they require. With Core’s Modern Workplace specialities, our customers can be assured that we have exceeded Microsoft’s criteria and have in-depth capabilities in Modern Workplace solutions such as Teams, SharePoint, Viva, and much more.
The success of Microsoft’s partner program is due to the stringent and exhaustive requirements partners must undertake and uphold. This ensures that Microsoft customers across the globe have access to credible partners with consistent approaches and methodologies.
Customers can now easily identify partners with the required cloud technical capabilities and experience. Six new solution partner designations have been formed, with new added investments focused on the latest cloud technologies.
The new designations are:
- Data & AI (Artificial Intelligence) (Azure)
- Infrastructure (Azure)
- Digital & App Innovation (Azure)
- Business Applications
- Modern Work
- Security
Reflecting the Modern Workplace
As an experienced Cloud Solution Provider, Core actively seeks to innovate, and develop services that align with our customers’ needs.
Just as Microsoft’s partner program has evolved to reflect the modern workplace and the cloud technologies business rely on, Core has also developed innovative new services to simplify the requirements of modern businesses that utilise cloud solutions from Microsoft.
Our Smart Service portfolio provides customers with a cost-effective means to underpin internal resources with flexible access to skills across Microsoft’s solutions. Our Smart Services include Smart Support for access to our team of Microsoft Cloud specialists, Smart Projects to manage your cloud projects with experienced IT Project Managers, and Smart Resources to add a specific role to your team, benefitting from Core’s investment in its people.
Smart Services provide the skills your business needs when you need them, for however long you need them, without incurring overhead costs. In short, the modern cloud solutions we deliver now have modern services to support them.
To talk to us about our Microsoft Advanced Partner status or to enquire about how our Smart Services align with the evolution of the modern workplace, just click here. Or if you would prefer to talk to somebody, just call +44 20 7626 0516.