Over the past couple of years, we have seen the crucial role that frontline workers have played, and continue to play, in every industry and sector. Despite this, they have historically been woefully underserved by technology when compared to many other workers.
The recent acceleration into digital transformation that we have witnessed, in no small part due to the pandemic, has served as a catalyst to redress this balance. Businesses must now begin to rethink their frontline investments, enabling the use of technology to effectively connect and engage some of our most essential workers, while creating new benefits and opportunities for the workers that occupy this important space.
So, how can the right investments into technology transform the experience of our frontline workers?
Bolster communication
Given the nature of a lot of frontline work, workers are far more dependent on their environments, and so rely heavily on the right kinds of technological and digital initiatives to help them feel connected to their organisation and their leadership.
Fostering a sense of connectivity means putting communication at the forefront of technological investment, with some of the simplest changes going a long way in creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity amongst the frontline.
Choosing the right communication tools and platforms is key. Company news, tasks and conversations must be able to flow freely up and down the management and employee structure for communications to be effective, and for frontline workers to feel valued as core members of a company.
Reduce stress
From retail employees to healthcare workers, it goes without saying that key workers often bear the brunt of work-related stressors. Add to this an increasing sense of digital exclusion and a feeling of being overlooked when it comes to technological investments, and it is no surprise that frontline work is often some of the most stressful.
However, as the adoption of technological systems on the frontline is increasing, so too are the opportunities this adoption creates. Being able to streamline and better perform repetitive or time-consuming tasks with increased ease builds engagement, and the systems that allow workers to do this directly play into increased job satisfaction and lower levels of work-related stress.
Close the training gap
A recent report from Microsoft found that 41% of frontline workers did not have the right tools to perform their jobs effectively, while 55% had to learn new technologies on the job, without the benefit of any formal training. This further exacerbates the feelings of disconnect on the frontline, marginalising these workers when companies are looking to transform their employee experience.
Building real engagement means not only providing frontline workers with the right tools to do their jobs, but also ensuring that they are given the means and opportunity to use those tools optimally, allowing them to perform their jobs effectively and removing pain points along the way.
Reimagining the frontline
It is within an organisation’s best interest to understand the important role digital services can have in connecting and engaging the frontline, and in aligning these key workers with the goals, mission, and purpose of a company.
By understanding the experiences of the frontline, technology can be better integrated within their roles, streamlining work, relieving burdens, and enabling them to get on with the essential tasks at hand.
Talk to Core today about how we can help you transform your organisation, and the work lives of your employees, with technology like Microsoft Viva. Request a demo through our website and check your workshop eligibility, or email hello@core.co.uk to find out more.