There are over two billion frontline workers worldwide, representing approximately 80 per cent of the global workforce. While developments in technology continue to accelerate, this huge percentage of the global workforce have been woefully underserved by technological advancement.
Frontline workers often face an immense amount of work-related stress, and due to their deskless jobs, are prone to feeling disconnected from company culture. This is why Microsoft Viva, a powerful employee experience platform, has led the way in providing the tools and technology to create a sense of belonging between frontline workers and their companies, supporting wellbeing and communication.
So, how can Viva help not only support the mental health of this crucial component of the workforce, but also provide the resources to streamline their day-to-day work?
Detecting burnout
Viva is pioneering data-led, and privacy-protected insights through Viva Insights, providing individuals with recommendations that improve both productivity and wellbeing.
Importantly, this function allows for “manager insights”, giving managers a full view of how employee work patterns might lead to burnout and stress. This is particularly important in the case of frontline workers, whose non-office roles mean it can be easy for managers to overlook unhealthy working patterns or team norms.
Safeguarding wellbeing
Given their challenging roles, frontline workers sometimes require extra support when it comes to health and wellbeing. Viva has made these a priority, with a number of tools to support the frontline.
The Viva Dashboard contains daily health checks and wellness reminders to ensure your frontline feels connected, cared for, and productive, while the Resources area link to health and wellness resources that workers can access and use at any time. Through SharePoint news posts and Video news links, these resources and tools are spotlighted, and can be targeted to the most relevant segments of your workforce, ensuring they reach the frontline workers that need them the most.
Connecting the frontline
Workers on the frontline are at an increased risk of feeling disconnected from their organisations. Without that sense of belonging, engagement, motivation and ultimately productivity can all suffer, leading workers to feeling isolated and unsupported.
Viva Connections is designed to tackle these issues head-on, and ensure teams stay united, motivated and informed every day, whether they are on the frontlines, or in the office. By delivering a curated feed of relevant news, resources and conversations, the function keeps workers in the loop with what is going on across the entire organisation, while giving them the opportunity to make contributions of their own, and have their voices heard.
Streamline tasks
Viva is not only designed to support the frontline with their wellbeing, but also to reduce friction points by using technology to streamline every-day tasks.
Simple, but often time-consuming tasks such as finding and securing parking spaces, accessing pay and benefits information, and even requesting new uniforms and supplies are all made easier, freeing your frontline to focus on tasks that really make a difference and add value to your organisation.
Transforming the frontline
Platforms such as Microsoft Viva are playing an incredibly important role in increasing the visibility of frontline workers and bringing their needs to the forefront. For organisations that want to make an investment in the wellbeing of their frontline, Viva is leading the way at providing these tools for a new digital age.
Talk to us today to find out about opportunities for efficiency and cost reduction in your business, so you can focus on what you do best. Email to request a complimentary consultation with one of our specialists.